Our next Self Defense Workshop meets February 21 at 6:15pm and features gun defense. Learn More

Category: Kid Karate

2023 Halloween Costume Karate

When and Where? Mark your calendars! This not-to-be-missed event will take place on October 25th and 26th during regular class times at our dojo. Who Can Attend? This is not just for our talented martial artists; it’s an open invitation! We encourage all of our students to bring along their friends for some martial arts fun. After all, the […]

How IMAA is Different difference is standing out in a crowd for the right reasons

How IMAA is Different

How IMAA stands out Why we are the best karate dojo in Wake Forest Our Teaching style Caters to the student Our instructors go through extensive extra training just to be an instructor. At Innovative Martial Arts Academy in Wake Forest, having a black belt does not mean you are an instructor. Our instructors are […]

Unexpected Benefits of Martial Arts Training young white belt karate student

Unexpected Benefits of Martial Arts Training

Other benefits of martial arts training Results Come With Dedication each have their own reasons… You won’t know till you try Everyone has their own reason for enrolling themselves or their children into martial arts. Since I’ve been training in martial arts for over 40 years, it’s been my experience that most people start their […]

Bragging On My Students

Bragging On My Students

Creating Good citizens Mutual Respect, Honor, As A Veteran, Its a honor to teach martial arts Yesterday, on Mother’s Day, the Innovative Martial Arts Academy Demonstration Team performed in Wakefield, for an event called, Run Like a Mother.  My kids performed exceptionally well.  Just before the 5K was to start, the event holders played, The […]