Beginners and professionals in martial arts always have room to improve. If you’re familiar with the activity, you know that martial arts is more than being strong and it takes time to achieve higher ranks. Improving involves training your mind, body and spirit. To help you on your journey of improvement, here are ten tips […]
Category: Self-defense
How a Black Belt Prepares You for Life
Earning a black belt is often seen as the top martial arts achievement, but the journey to black belt is much more than a physical accomplishment. It shapes your character, strengthens your mind, and prepares you to face the challenges life inevitably presents. The black belt journey molds you into a stronger, more confident individual […]
Easy Self-Defense: Defend Against a Double Lapel Grab
A double lapel grab is a common attack scenario in which an aggressor uses both hands to seize the front of your shirt, jacket, or other clothing, usually around the collar or ‘lapel’ area. This grab can feel intimidating because it gives the attacker a measure of control over your upper body and can lead […]
Karate and Aikido: Not Just Self-Defense, But Home Defense
As the days grow shorter with the arrival of fall, the cover of darkness can heighten our sense of vulnerability. It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re more of a target at night, especially when returning to your car after work or heading home after an evening out. But what if you could walk with […]
Practical Self-Defense Techniques Everyone Should Know
Learn practical moves, build confidence, and explore the importance of martial arts training, especially for women, in this comprehensive guide. Equip yourself with the skills to stay safe and secure.
Martial Arts for Real-World Safety at IMAA
Never sacrifice your safety. Enroll in defense classes that can empower and protect you.
Why Every Woman Should Embrace Martial Arts
Discover how martial arts can transform fear into strength, boosting your confidence and resilience with every move you master.
Martial Arts and Self-Defense: Empowering Yourself with Practical Skills
Discover the transformative power of martial arts and self-defense techniques in this comprehensive guide. Learn how these practical skills can empower you physically, mentally, and emotionally
What is Kenpo Karate?
Kenpo Karate is a modern martial art that emphasizes practical self-defense techniques and personal development. Ancient martial art forms are expressed with each strike and kick. Kenpo Karate can help you protect yourself.