Martial Arts Can Help Prevent Bullying

How Our Core Values Can Help

Bullying still remains one of the biggest problems that our children face with one in five school aged children reporting being bullied. As adults we think that teaching kids about bullying and asking them to report bullying is enough to stop it, and unfortunately that is not the case. So what can we as parents do to help our children face bullying? How about enrolling your child in a martial arts program?

At Innovative Martial Arts Academy, our core values are integrity, discipline, focus, and perseverance. Children who practice martial arts will build confidence, learn discipline, learn respect, practice self control, and learn self defense techniques. All of these skills and qualities can help children who are bullied as well as help children who are bullying others.

Build Up Confidence

  • For Kids Who Are Bullied: Bullies tend to pick victims they think are weak, insecure, or unsure of themselves. Martial arts help stop this by building up kids’ confidence —this can keep them from being picked on by instilling a sense of strength and confidence.
  • For Bullies: Bullies are sometimes “looked up” to because others fear them; it gives them an elevated status. They seek out this status, as well as the attention they get for their bad behavior. Martial arts help prevent bullying by building up these kids’ confidence and self-respect, and they will no longer need to resort to bullying for attention or approval.

Reinforce Discipline

  • For Kids Who Are Bullied: Victims of bullying can sometimes make things worse for themselves by acting out or acting in a way that draws more attention from the bully. Martial arts help stop bullying by teaching them the discipline to manage their behavior so that it does not provoke or trigger a bully.
  • For Bullies: One reason children resort to bullying is a lack of discipline at home. Martial arts helps prevent bullying by providing children with guidance and a consistent structure of discipline that helps them learn appropriate behavior.

Learning Respect

  • For Kids Who Are Bullied: Being bullied can hurt a child’s self-esteem and lead to a low self-image. Martial arts will help children have a positive self-image and respect themselves for their achievements. 
  • For Bullies: Bullies desire to be in control and like to control others. That’s one of the reasons why they pick on or make fun of others. Martial arts help prevent bullying by teaching them the value of respect. Respect is the first value taught in the dojo, and children will use it inside the dojo and learn to show respect to everyone.

Mastering Self Control

  • For Kids Who Are Bullied: Victims of bullying may not recognize what kind of behavior triggers a bully to lash out. Martial arts help stop bullying by empowering these kids to control their own behaviors to prevent a negative situation from escalating into conflict.
  • For Bullies: Kids who bully others can be impulsive and aggressive. Martial arts help these kids become more aware of their emotions, training them to control negative impulses and be in control of their bodies. 

 Learning Self-Defense

  • For Kids Who Are Bullied: Bullies pick victims they think will be easy targets. Martial arts classes help stop bullying by teaching children how to defend themselves. 
  • For Bullies: Children who bully others often crave power. They learn how effective it can be to use their power aggressively to control others. Martial arts classes help prevent bullying by constantly emphasizing the importance of using karate for self-defense only, never for offense.

Want to Read More About Martial Arts?

Take a look at some of our other articles about martial arts and IMAA’s course offerings? Check out the following related blog articles: 

Try A Class!

At Innovative Martial Arts Academy, we’re all about FAMILY and FUN. Our Martial Arts training offers men, women, and children the opportunity to challenge their bodies and minds without the threat of injury and intimidation. Take on the best training in disciplines like Kenpo Karate, Kali, and Aikido and build your skills one day at a time with the help of our dedicated instructors. We are proud to serve families across Wake Forest, Wakefield, and the surrounding area with a rewarding experience that can set you or your child up for success in all aspects of life. If you’re interested in learning about our martial arts program, contact us at 919.562.4663, or visit our website.  

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Our Reviews

William D.
This place is great! Charles and his team have fantastic programs for kids. When we started our 3.5 year old son, I didn’t know what to expect. He quickly adapted to the classes and now loves going. Our 2 year old son loves watching and will start as well as soon as he turns 3. Innovative Martial arts also hosted their birthday parties. The kids had a blast doing different activities throughout the birthday party. Can’t say enough good things about this place, and what they teach!
Tara H.
Innovative Martial Arts Academy (IMAA) is the best place to take martial arts. Charles Falk, the owner, and his staff do a great job teaching martial arts to the students and teaching each student to be confident and disciplined. My son has been with IMAA for eight years - he has earned one black belt and is working on his second.
Niko F.
Not only are the staff amazing, but there is a mix of fun and learning in the curriculum. My 5 year old daughter absolutely loves this school. She has learned respect and many other aspects making her more focused and well behaved. I definitely recommend this school for you or your child.
Janice P.
Great school with wonderful teachers. My daughter has a great time learning and everyone is friendly. There is even an adult class that allowed me to try to see if I liked it and everyone was very patient with me. I am thankful to have my daughter be a part of the Innovative Martial Arts Academy in Wake Forest and know she is benefiting from it in more than one way. It amazes me how fast she is learning and how hard she is trying. They have her trying to develop at her fullest with her mind, body, and spirit. I would recommend this school to anyone interested in martial arts.
Kristi F.
Wonderful place for not only skill development but also personal development. Owner and instructors genuinely get to know students and families and care about them. The lessons learned will provide character growth as well as martial art skills. The owner is also a long time student of many different martial arts, he didn't just buy a franchise, and tries very hard to live what he teaches the students. Proud to have been in this dojo family for 6+ years and proud of the friendships we have made there!

Our Reviews