Time is our most precious commodity. It’s our richest treasure. It’s the one thing that once gone, you can never get back. Money comes and goes, and material possessions are always replaceable.
Most of us do not know how much time we’re going to get, but we can be sure that every breath we take, we certainly have less left. When it gets down to it, we can only do two things with our time; we can spend it, or we can waste it.
When we apply that truth to the people in our lives, there are people worth spending our time, and there are people who waste our time. The same goes with activities. Some are wise investments of our time while others are time wasters.
As I reflect on my own life, I see many places where I’ve wasted my time with some people and activities (or nonactivities), but martial arts were never in the wasted time category. The focus acquired got me through school with good grades. The discipline and self-control got me through 20 years of military service, not to mention the fortitude to get through bad times in my life. Martial arts got me through bullying issues and taught me problem solving skills. The friendships forged in the dojo are the best in my life. My ability to recognize and ponder this truth about time also came from my martial arts training.
One point in writing this out is to get people thinking about how they use their time. Another point is that it’s never a waste of time to put yourself or your children in martial arts. It’s always time well spent!
Most of us do not know how much time we’re going to get, but we can be sure that every breath we take, we certainly have less left. When it gets down to it, we can only do two things with our time; we can spend it, or we can waste it.
When we apply that truth to the people in our lives, there are people worth spending our time, and there are people who waste our time. The same goes with activities, as some are wise investments of our time while others are time wasters.
Try one of our children’s karate classes. Our instructors are amazing at challenging your children to be the best they can, and supporting them through times when they struggle. We want to help your child to grow not only physically, but mentally as well.
Copyright 2020
Innovative Martial Arts Academy