Live In The Present text written on sand

Live In The Present

Live in the present Enjoy The Journey, Prepare For the Future, But Be In The Moment Perspective matters greatly Lao Tzu wrote, “When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other.Long […]

How IMAA is Different difference is standing out in a crowd for the right reasons

How IMAA is Different

How IMAA stands out Why we are the best karate dojo in Wake Forest Our Teaching style Caters to the student Our instructors go through extensive extra training just to be an instructor. At Innovative Martial Arts Academy in Wake Forest, having a black belt does not mean you are an instructor. Our instructors are […]

Perseverance and why it is important man showing perseverance by pushing huge stone up mountain

Perseverance and why it is important

Why We Teach Perseverance Life lessons to help develop the whole person What is Perseverance? Perseverance is persistence despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In simple terms, the idea of NEVER giving up! You’ve heard people say that they have learned more from their failures than they did from their successes — it’s true. […]

Be The Solution

Be The Solution

You have a choice “It’s better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Darkness Consumes Imagine sitting in a dark room.  A room so dark, if you held your hand in front of you, you can’t even make out the shape of it.  Now, imagine, other people in this room […]

Unexpected Benefits of Martial Arts Training young white belt karate student

Unexpected Benefits of Martial Arts Training

Other benefits of martial arts training Results Come With Dedication each have their own reasons… You won’t know till you try Everyone has their own reason for enrolling themselves or their children into martial arts. Since I’ve been training in martial arts for over 40 years, it’s been my experience that most people start their […]

Bragging On My Students

Bragging On My Students

Creating Good citizens Mutual Respect, Honor, As A Veteran, Its a honor to teach martial arts Yesterday, on Mother’s Day, the Innovative Martial Arts Academy Demonstration Team performed in Wakefield, for an event called, Run Like a Mother.  My kids performed exceptionally well.  Just before the 5K was to start, the event holders played, The […]

Time time shown on stop watch


Time – Our most precious asset “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Lee no time like the present Time is our most precious commodity. It’s our richest treasure. It’s the one thing that once gone, you can never get back. Money comes and […]

New Kickboxing Class man showing perseverance by pushing huge stone up mountain

New Kickboxing Class

Our New Women’s Fitness Kickboxing Program is Here! Fun Exercise in Wake Forest Women’s kickboxing program Kickboxing begins on Monday, February 17th at 9am.  It will run Monday through Friday at 9am every morning.  It is designed specifically to meet your cardio and strength conditioning needs, with ALL of the fun of martial arts. We will […]